FreeAgent’s whistleblowing policy

FreeAgent treats whistleblowing seriously. This page outlines our whistleblowing policy and the process for escalating concerns about any suspected wrongdoing.

Everyone at FreeAgent has a responsibility to speak up if they become aware of wrongdoing that could affect either FreeAgent itself or:

  • NatWest Group, which acquired FreeAgent in 2018
  • FreeAgent’s customers, employees or shareholders
  • the wider public

Wrongdoing could include behaviour that:

  • is not in line with FreeAgent’s guidelines and policies
  • breaches regulatory requirements
  • is illegal

Anyone who acquires information about wrongdoing at FreeAgent can use Speak Up, NatWest Group’s dedicated whistleblowing service, to raise their concerns.

Speak Up is a confidential 24/7 telephone and online reporting service that’s operated by an independent third party. The service aims to create an environment where individuals feel safe to make a report. Concerns can be raised in confidence and, if preferred, anonymously.

FreeAgent’s employees are encouraged to raise any concerns they might have with either the People Operations team, their manager or a colleague. They also have access to Speak Up if they feel that these avenues aren’t appropriate.

The service can be used by anyone who acquires information about wrongdoing at FreeAgent, either through work-related activity or during recruitment. Individuals who might use the Speak Up service include:

  • FreeAgent’s employees
  • individuals who act on behalf of NatWest Group
  • contractors, subcontractors and suppliers
  • temporary staff, secondees, consultants
  • interns and volunteers

Individuals who wish to submit a whistleblowing report can do so by following the instructions on the Speak Up website.

How FreeAgent will respond to reports of wrongdoing

FreeAgent will consider every concern of wrongdoing reported through either the Speak Up service or via People Operations, managers or colleagues. Where appropriate, FreeAgent will allocate an investigator to examine the issues raised, and it will take appropriate and proportionate action to address any issues identified in the investigation. Where possible, feedback will be provided to the person who made the report, both during an investigation and at the point of closure.

Further information and contact details

More detailed information about Speak Up is available on its reporting service page.

Concerns can also be raised directly with FreeAgent’s regulators, the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulatory Authority.