Billing - a new hope

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder
We’re completing the trilogy of improvements to files and invoice emailing, and just like Return of the Jedi*, we’ve saved the best till last.
Attachments for email templates
File attachments can now be added to email templates for new invoices, reminders and thank yous.
Add the default attachments through Settings > Invoice emails and they’ll automatically go out along with the relevant invoice emails.
Rebilled expense receipts
If you rack up lots of expenses as part of your projects, you probably rebill these to the client, who may want proof that you’re not trying to pull a fast one. Really, where’s the trust?
Thankfully, you can now attach receipts from any expense you’ve rebilled on an invoice. On the email screen just tick the Attach Expense Receipts checkbox and they’ll be added to the outgoing email.
Save Timesheets to Files
On a similar note, you can now save Timesheet Report pdfs directly into your Files area , which means they can be easily attached to invoice emails so you can demonstrate all those hard hours of toil you put in.
Simply select Save to Files area after you generate a report, and it’ll be saved alongside your other files.
Stocking fillers
And to conclude this embarrassment of riches we humbly present:
- Support for decimal rates for mileage expenses.
- Support for date variables in recurring invoices, so you can dynamically add months and years. Nerdy, but cool.
- A 2-monthly option for recurring invoices
Phew, and it’s not even Christmas yet!
Until next time,
Roan and the team at FreeAgent
* Yes it is. Empire Strikes Back is a glorified chase scene intercut with a Rocky-esque training montage.