Bulk bank transaction explaining is here!

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

We’re delighted to announce the long-awaited arrival of bulk bank explanations for your enjoyment and delectation. Voila!

A few weeks ago we released the bulk approvals feature - useful, but a mere amuse-bouche before the hearty main course served up today.

On the statement view you’ll now see checkboxes next to all unexplained transactions. When you select one of these you can then select similar transactions (money in, for example) and explain these in a single bound.

Bulk bank explain screenshot

At the minute we support a few of the most commonly used transaction types:

  • Money in > Sales
  • Money in > Refunds
  • Money out > Payments
  • Money out > Sales Refunds

This works with all bank account types, including PayPal accounts, which we know will come in handy for those of you with lots of similar sales or payments.

Order bank transactions

You can now also reorder your bank transactions on the statement page by date, so you can show the most recent ones first. Just click the Date heading in the statement table to change the ordering.

Ordering bank transactions screenshot

Until next time,
Roan and the FreeAgent team

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