Introducing CIS subcontractor support

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

If you work in the construction industry then you’ve probably heard of the Construction Industry Scheme. If you haven’t, you can safely ignore this article and enjoy those two minutes of your life back.

Still with me? OK, so CIS affects both contractors and subcontractors working in the construction industry. With this release, FreeAgent supports the obligations for subcontractors.

In practice this means:

  • Raising CIS invoices with the appropriate deductions
  • Automatically filing CIS deductions through payroll
  • Knowing how much you’re owed from your contractor customers
  • Reconciling payments received with CIS deductions

To get started read our detailed guide on how FreeAgent supports CIS for subcontractors.

Until next time,
Roan and the team at FreeAgent

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