FreeAgent Update - Improved Invoicing

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

Invoicing without a project

Yes it’s true. It’s now possible to create invoices without adding a project first. Simply go to your Invoices page and select Add an Invoice. You will need to select an existing Contact name, or add a new one here, and you can optionally associate it with a project. Fill in the other usual details and hit Save.

Invoicing without a project

Viola! You’re new invoice has been created and not a project in site. <em>Lots</em> of people have been requesting this feature so do let us know what you think.

Invoice Payment Terms

Selecting the Invoice Payment Terms is now handled in a more sensible fashion. No longer do you have to set this on the Contact or Project pages where it was easily forgotten. You now decide what invoice payment terms you use at the point of invoice generation. Much simpler.

Invoicing payment terms

FreeAgent remembers the last terms used for the appropriate client or project so you won’t have to re-enter this each time.

Specifying the payment terms in days at the invoice level also means you override the due date of that invoice.

Better Contact Filtering


We’ve improved the filtering options you have when viewing contacts. You can now view: ~

  • All contacts
  • All clients
  • All suppliers
  • Clients with active projects
  • Clients with completed projects
  • Clients with open invoices
  • Suppliers with open bills

Which should make life easier for those of you with a chunky address book.

Little updatettes

Also in this release

  • We’ve added 09/10 self-assessment tax rates
  • You can now choose which email address in your account to send invoice emails from
  • From the invoice item screen you can now save and instantly add another.
  • Adding a new invoice item will now pre-populate price, type and quantity based on the last item added.
  • Fixed issue where Paypal account email addresses containing hyphens failed validation
  • Fixed issue where JPEG company logos with embedded colour profiles caused problems with invoice PDF rendering


And finally

A big thank you to everyone who participated in the recent discussion on Estimates. It was incredibly useful to hear your views and it’s shaped our approach and ideas regarding the new feature. Development is now underway and you should see the results in the next release. We think it’s all the better for your involvement!

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