FreeAgent Mobile - mileage & expense rebilling

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

It’s been a few weeks since we unleashed FreeAgent Mobile for iOS on the unsuspecting public and it’s been a big hit already.

Since then, we’ve been listening to your feature requests, peeking through our fingers at App Store reviews and generally just working our asses off at making FreeAgent Mobile even better.

So let’s get down to business then shall we?

Mileage claims

We’re kicking things off with the most popular feature request we’ve had. You can now create mileage expenses alongside traditional out-of-pocket expenses.So whether you roll up to client meetings on your Harley, cruise in quietly in your Model S or just limp in slowly in your 1998 Ford Fiesta - we’ve got you covered!

Logging a mileage claim in FreeAgent Mobile

Expense rebilling

Keeping on the expenses tip, you can now rebill your expenses and mileage to projects with all the usual flair and finesse of the desktop FreeAgent.

This means you can simply link expenses and mileage claims to projects, rebill them at cost, or add a cheeky mark-up and pass this on to the client.

Next up

Over the coming months we’ll be working hard to get more features into FreeAgent Mobile, including the ability to explain your bank statements on the go.

Until next time,
Roan and the team at FreeAgent

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