FreeAgent Update - Accountant Dashboard

Ed Molyneux
Just a couple of changes this time round. In release ‘Champagne’ we’ve added our new Accountant Dashboard, plus we’ve started to change the way we handle locked items and of course continued to polish and tweak here and there.
Accountant Dashboard
We’ve built a new area of FreeAgent where our Accountant users with multiple FreeAgent clients can view all of their clients in a single page.
Selecting a client company row will take you over to that company’s FreeAgent account without any separate login being required.
It’s also possible to add new client companies from the Dashboard, and we’ll soon be adding customized views of relevant accounting data to the dashboard view itself.
We’ll also be introducing our traffic-light exception reporting (as shown in the screenshot above) to provide a handy overall view of client company status.
If are interested in finding our more about the Accountant Dashboard, whether you’re already a FreeAgent-Friendly partner or not, do feel free to get in touch.
Loosening off Locking
OK, so previously a locked item, whether an Expense or a Bill or a Bank Account Entry, was not editable at all. Not too bad, but it also meant that attachments could not be viewed or changed on locked items. Not great.
Well, we’ve started to address that: this week we’ve changed the way Expenses are locked so that you can still select through to edit some parts of the expense and also add, view and remove attachments.
Next release it’ll be the turn of Bills and Bank Account Entries to get the flexible-locking treatment.
- Made sure changing a Journal Entry correctly updates stored accounting period calculations.
- Fixed a problem with the filenames of emailed pdf invoices.
- UK Accounts: Fixed incorrect handling of bills where entered under the VAT Cash accounting basis.
- UK Accounts: Tweaked the accounting engine so that ‘Stock’ correctly appears on the Balance Sheet.
Cheers until next time…
Ed & The Team at FreeAgent Central.