Get paid and look good

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

Whether you’re watching the bottom line like a hawk or just want to show off your creative side, today’s release has something for everyone.

PayPal Express Checkout

We’ve made some big improvements to the way invoice payments are handled through PayPal, by enabling the option to use PayPal Express Checkout.

PayPal Express Checkout Options

The big win comes when your invoices are paid through our Client Payment Portal, as they will be automatically marked as Paid in your FreeAgent account - no reconciliation needed!

Find all the details in our Knowledge Base.

Style your invoice and estimate emails

You can now format your Invoice and Estimate emails using a WYSIWYG editor, allowing you greater control over the text formatting. For the coders out there, you can also edit the HTML directly adding images, links and more.

Why would you want to do that? Well, perhaps you want to guilt clients into paying by including a picture of your hungry child? Or maybe you just want to express your latent creativity through the medium of cursive fonts and clip art? Well, go crazy.

If you’re struggling for ideas, take a look at this example, created by the crack FreeAgent design team.

HTML Email editor

Inspirational stuff.

Until next time,
Roan & the team at FreeAgent.

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