Introducing Files

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

If you organise your company docs in perfectly colour-coded, dated folders then you’re likely borderline OCD. For the rest of us, there’s the new Files section!

Wondering where those important documents are will be a thing of the past with the Files section, as you can now upload and store documents. It’s in The Cloud and everything, so you’ll even look cool doing it.

The Files section link is found in the top-right corner and everyone gets 1GB of free storage, which should be plenty of space. More details in the Knowledge Base.

Files section

But there’s more. Or there will be. In the next few weeks we’ll be allowing you to attach files to outgoing invoices and estimates emails (which we know you want!) and there’s other improvements beyond that.

Sales Tax positioning on Invoices

Invoice address

Following on from customer feedback, we’ve made a small change to the positioning of VAT/Sales Tax numbers on invoices. Previously, these had both been displayed at the foot of the invoice, which sometimes caused confusion, especially with non-English invoices.

We’ve now moved the numbers beneath the corresponding address, so your VAT/Sales Tax number will be displayed below your address on the invoice, and the clients will be displayed beneath their address. Sounds complicated but actually makes loads of sense. Honest.

We’ve tested all invoice templates, but if you use a custom theme we’d recommend giving your invoices a once over, to make sure everything is tickety-boo.

Interface Redesign coming!

If you’ve kept an eye on the Blog you may have seen us mentioning an upcoming interface redesign.

New FreeAgent interface

We’ll be releasing more information soon, but take a look at what’s been revealed already. We’re really excited about it!

And finally

FreeAgent was recently shortlisted in the 2011 .Net Awards in the best Web App of the Year category, and we’d very much appreciate your vote, if you’re that way inclined.

Until next time,
Roan & The Team at FreeAgent.

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