It's the little things

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

In a slight change of pace from our previous blockbuster releases, we’ve recently nailed a bunch of smaller feature requests and improvements.

Multi currency expenses

This one really has been highly anticipated - you can now create expenses in multiple currencies!

Simply enter the foreign currency amount and FreeAgent will calculate the local currency amount, based on the known conversion rate for that date. You can choose to override this if you wish.

Multi-currency expense

You can rebill foreign currency expenses to local currency projects, but you can’t yet rebill to foreign currency projects. This is something we’ll be tackling soon.

More Bank Feeds

It’s been fantastic to see the response to Bank Feeds, released back in February. Over the past couple of months, we’ve been refining this and supporting Bank Feeds. We’ve recently added feeds for:

  • Cater Allen
  • Metro Bank
  • Co-operative (personal accounts only)
  • Smile

More feeds will be added soon, including some very popular ones. I’m saying no more than that :)

Apply discounts to estimates

Another one that’s been on the wish list for a while: adding discounts to estimates. You can now apply discounts to estimates in the same way you can with invoices, by adding a % discount in the More Options section when creating the estimate.

Report unfilled time

Unbilled time report

A new report has been added to Time Tracking letting you view just unbilled (that’s billable but not yet added to an invoice) time. Handy if you want to see what you’ll be invoicing for soon.

Just select it as an option when creating a Time Tracking report.

And that’s your lot for now,
Roan and the team at FreeAgent

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