Great resources to help small businesses - and a new partnership for FreeAgent

Kevin McCallum

Kevin McCallum
Chief Commercial Officer

Starting a business is a daunting prospect. Without the right knowledge or support, it can be very difficult to establish yourself in your chosen market - and when you’re busting a gut trying to make your new business a success, you don’t need the unwelcome distraction of managing your books to think about.

Thankfully, there are also a lot of local enterprise and not-for-profit agencies across the country that provide vital services for start-up businesses. So if you’re starting out for yourself, you can take advantage of some of the incredibly useful services that these organisations provide, including face-to-face business advice, networking groups, incubator workspace hire, training and mentoring.

Here at FreeAgent, we’re now partnering with one of the biggest UK names in this sector - the National Enterprise Network (NEN) - who are the umbrella organisation that supports these agencies throughout the UK. Basically, if there’s a local business incubator or advice service in your area, the chances are that it’s overseen and supported by the NEN; so it’s a really important organisation for small business owners to know about. Take a peek at their website and, in particular, browse through the member database on their homepage to find out what support is available in your area - it’s really useful stuff to know if you’re starting a business.

You might also like to follow their twitter page to find out more about the work that they do. We can’t wait to get started!

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