Recharged and ready to go

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

So, you’ve recovered from Christmas and 2011 is the year you cast a hawklike eye over your income and spending? Good timing - we’re ready to help.

Settings reshuffle

Before we get to the good stuff, we have some important safety announcements.

Several pages, previously found wandering aimlessly around the app, have been relocated into a refurbished home within Settings.

Users, Export Data, Invoice Email Templates and Theme Gallery have all been rehoused. They’ll be better looked after and it’s the best thing for everybody, but do take a moment to familiarise yourself with the new Settings layout.

Income and spending categories

Accountants call it a ‘flexible chart of accounts’ but you know we’re not big fans of jargon here, so we’re calling them Income and Spending categories instead.

Define the types of things you buy and sell, and then categorise your invoice items, expenses and bank transactions for zen-like clarity of your cashflow. Ohhmmm…

Hide Contacts

All of this comes together on the new Profit & Loss table , giving you a tailored look at how your income and spending breaks down.

There’s quite a bit to this, so take a look at the Income and Spending Categories articles on the Knowledge Base for more details.

Get organised with tasks


You can now set the status of Tasks as Active, Completed or Hidden , giving a view of what’s been done, and what’s still outstanding on your projects.

It’s not exactly full on project management functionality, and we’re not going to be spewing out Gantt charts any time soon, but it should improve visibility of your project workload.

But we’re not done yet

No siree, not by a long shot:

  • Our data tables have been redesigned, and we’ve added Edit and Delete buttons to the main invoices and projects tables
  • You can now set PO numbers on invoices , without having to set them on projects. See the More Options section on invoices
  • Bank statements are now uploaded in the background and FreeAgent will inform you once processing is finished
  • You can now set an ‘auto VAT rate’ on Price List items which applies the appropriate rate on invoices
  • You can now create Norwegian invoices and estimates
  • We’ve added support for Lithuanian Litas, Malawi Kwatcha, Mozambiquan Metacais, Argentinian Peso and Trinidad and Tobago dollars
  • We’ve added support for the all new Northern Bank CSV format
  • BUGFIX: The right Additional Text is now used when converting an estimate into an invoice
  • BUGFIX: The invoices Overview panel now correctly takes part-payments into account

Until next time,
Roan and the team at FreeAgent

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