FreeAgent Update - Release Beaufort

Ed Molyneux
Lots going on here at FreeAgent Towers. Here’s the latest:
Recurring Invoices
The biggie for the week: you can now set invoices to recur every month, and optionally have them automatically emailed to your clients.
Here’s how it works:
- When you create a new invoice, you now have some Advanced Options available.
- Selecting ‘Repeats every Month’ causes a new, draft copy of the invoice to be created one month after the date of the current one. One month after that, another one will be created and so on.
- The duplicate invoice will be identical to the existing one, except the date (obviously) and the fact that invoice items with associated timeslips or rebilled expenses will not be included.
- When you view the invoice, you can also see when the next one will be sent, and you have option of cancelling the recurring sequence.
- You can check ‘Email Automatically’ on the Advanced Options to get FreeAgent to send the invoice by email on the invoice date. Checking this option will cause some email settings to appear, so you can enter the destination email address and message content.
- You can see any draft recurring invoices awaiting sending, or those scheduled for automatic delivery, listed separately on the Invoices page.
Have a play and let us know what you think. You know the drill: Get Satisfaction
Export to Digita Accounts Pro
Our friends at 3-Soft have independently tested our Trial Balance export with posh accounts production package Digita Accounts Pro. It works very nicely indeed, and this should significantly streamline things at the end of the year for your accountants if they use Digita.
Added optional BIC and IBAN to Bank Account
You can now enter international bank codes and account numbers (BICs and IBANs) for your Bank Accounts. These will be displayed instead of Bank Name, Sort Code and Account number for invoices you send outside the UK.
As with the UK bank details, the ones displayed on invoices will be those of your Primary Bank Account (which you can change by editing the bank account itself).
Like Recurring Invoices, this is in an Advanced Options part of the Bank Account Edit screen.
Bug of the Week
There were some inadvertent changes to invoice layouts, which might have affected you if you use window envelopes. These have now been fixed. Sorry, Steve.