Time to tidy up

Roan Lavery

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder

This week we’re helping you clean up Project and Contact data, and we’ve fluffed up Task management with individual task billing rates.

It’s all about housekeeping in this release, with new ways to tidy up your data and get on top of your tasks. Think of us as a nerdier Martha Stewart, without the criminal convictions.

Better Task and Project flexibility

We’ve made some major improvements to the ever contentious area of tasks, with a couple of important updates, and a faster interface for task management.

You can now set individual rates for tasks. New tasks will default to the project rate but this can be overridden when adding or editing a task. You can also explicitly set hours for the ‘project day’ , so if you’re the kind of workaholic machine who regularly pulls 16-hour days then FreeAgent will accommodate that. You should get out more though.

Hiding Contacts

If you’ve been using FreeAgent for a while, and have accumulated lots of clients, it can be a pain sorting the ones worthy of your attention/wrath from the complete time wasters.

Luckily, you can now hide contacts , which means they no longer appear on the normal contacts overview page and won’t appear in any lists when creating new invoices, estimates etc.

Any invoices you’ve set up to be sent in the future (including recurring ones) will still operate as normal for hidden contacts; it just allows you to keep your contact lists nice and tidy.

More Project Statuses

In a similar vein, we’ve added new statuses to Projects to help you organise them better. In addition to the usual Active and Complete projects you can now mark them as Cancelled or Hide the Project in the same way as you can with Contacts.

Only Active projects will appear in your drop down lists when creating new invoices, estimates etc and the Projects Overview panel will only include Active Projects with Unbilled Items. You can also filter by these statuses when viewing your main projects list.

VAT de-registration

It wouldn’t be a FreeAgent newsletter without some exciting VAT news would it? Well, fear not, because from today we now support VAT de-registration.

Full details can be in our VAT de-registration article on the Knowledge Base.

Any more for any more?

  • We’ve added those handy ‘Create and Add Another’ buttons for Bills and Manual Bank entries
  • We’ve added support for Santander CSV format
  • We’ve added support for the Japanese Yen and Indonesian Rupiah!

And finally

Sadly, we said goodbye to Mihai, our superstar intern who joined us over the summer. Mihai has been amazingly useful to the team over the last few months, contributing to some fantastic new features.

He’s back living the student lifestyle now, but the good news is we’ve persuaded him to continue working for FreeAgent part-time. When he’s not in the pub or watching reruns of Fifteen to One obviously.

Until next time,
Roan & The Team at FreeAgent.

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