FreeAgent Update: Release Botticino

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder
This week we’ve added some further polish to our time tracking area, introduced some new accounting goodies, and Ed has been packing his bags. For a well-deserved holiday, that is.
Inline Weekly Timesheets
You can now enter up to 7 days of timeslips directly on the timesheet page itself, rather than being taken to a separate page, using our new Weekly Timesheet drawer.
Just select the Add a Weekly Timesheet tab and the form will scroll into view.
Monthly Profit & Loss
You can now view a monthly breakdown of your Profit & Loss, for an entire financial year or just for the previous 6, 9 or 12 months.
As with the Yearly Profit and Loss view, you can select any data row see the transactions which make up that particular category.
To see this new view, visit Accounting > Monthly Profit & Loss
Updated VAT Fuel Scale Charges
We’ve added support for the latest VAT Fuel Scale Charges which came into force on 1st May 2008.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, we recommend you download the HMRC report for a little bedtime reading.
Survey iPod Touch Winner!
Thanks to everyone who completed our recent survey. The findings have been enlightening and we’ll be sure to take them all on board.
One thing we discovered was that 100% of you would recommend us and 85% already have!
The lucky recipient of the iPod was Michael Cunningham of Misean Ltd. Congratulations, Michael!
Bugs Squished
- Invoice Item ordering is now correct when there are 10 or more items.
- We relaxed the over-enthusiastic validation of Mileage Expenses for Universal accounts.
- Fixed an issue which caused an error when explaining bank transactions in a browser with Javascript turned off.
Ciao for now,