FreeAgent Update: Camembert

Ed Molyneux

Ed Molyneux

This week’s updates allow you to send invoices via email from FreeAgent, and provide handling for tracking balances from initial debtors and creditors…

Send Invoices By Email

You can now choose to send the invoices you create via email. You can enter a message and the invoice will be attached as a pdf to the email.

Handling of Initial Debtor and Creditor Accounts

You can make and receive payments against the opening balances for Debtors (people who owe you money) and Creditors (people you owed money too) at the point you start using FreeAgent.

You explain transactions either as a receipt from an Initial Debtor ( Other Money In > Receipt from Initial Debtor ) or Payment to Initial Creditor ( Other Money Out > Payment to Initial Creditor ) which will reduce these balances accordingly.

The remaining balances are visible on the Home > Overview page (if they are not zero) and the transactions and balances on each of these accounts is viewable under a new Home > Other Accounts page.

Receipts from these Initial Debtors are included in the VAT calculations if you have selected to use a Cash basis for those calculations.

Display of Client and Project name together

We have extended the display of client and project name together to other places in the application, which will help (when creating invoices for example) if you do a lot of similarly-named projects for different clients.

Coming Next Week

Next week we will be introducing our initial support for CSV and Excel statement uploads, starting with the CSV files produced by Cater Allen Private Bank (favourite of IT Contractors everywhere) and Abbey. If your bank only supports CSV import and you’d like us to include it, feel free to send us an example statement (anonymised if you like, but please don’t alter the formatting). Ta.

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