FreeAgent Update - Release Gorgonzola

Ed Molyneux

Ed Molyneux

Lots to tell you about this week:

Totals for Assets and Liabilities on Home Page

By popular request, we now display a total value for the Asset and Liability boxes on the Home Page. Starting to resemble a ‘proper’ Balance Sheet isn’t it? That’s next, along with some more handy tools on the home page…

Subscription Payments Working!

After some initial card verification issues with Maestro and Mastercards, we are happy to accept all credit and debit cards as payment for your FreeAgent subscription.

Remember, you don’t lose out by subscribing early! Your next payment will only be taken one month after your free trial expiry date…

Support for Uploading Paypal Statements

If you have a Paypal merchant account and accept payments from there, you’ll be please to hear we now handle uploads of Paypal statements. Select ‘CSV’ as the download format - they do support QIF downloads but we’re not convinced it’s working properly.

Accounting for Refunds

We now correctly account for refunds (which we introduced last week) in the VAT return, Profit and Loss and Corporation Tax calculations.

Web preview of Dividend Vouchers

You can now view each Dividend voucher as a web preview before downloading it as a PDF file. We’ve also restyled the voucher so it looks nicer.

Flat Rate Scheme Surplus Calculations

If you make a profit in the year from being on the VAT Flat Rate scheme (because you received more in VAT than you paid back to the HMRC), your Profit and Loss account should take account of the VAT that you otherwise would have reclaimed on your overheads. It now does.

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